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Three proven techniques that can help you create a team who can successfully turn your vision into a reality.
One of the most crucial things you need to run a successful business is a strong staff team. Many business leaders underestimate how difficult this task can be by forgetting that personality is just as important as qualifications and skills.
Your team can look good on paper but if you all aren't producing results, it's time to go back to the drawing board.
Here are 3 proven techniques you can use to build a strong and unshakeable team for your business:
A truly successful team member needs to align well with your business’ identity and staff team.
To find these types of candidates, you first need a detailed and compelling job description that outlines the responsibilities, level of skill, and experience needed for the role, all while depicting who you are as a company.
Next, you need a very structured interview process that allows a candidate to showcase how their past work experiences, skills, and behaviour match your business team’s needs. Since most candidates will prepare their answers for the interview, it’s a good idea to throw them some curve-ball interview questions to get a better insight on who they are. Try some of these ones out next time!
Lastly, it’s a great idea to consult or include some of your key team members in any decisions regarding new hires. After all, they have a unique perspective of your company and will be working with any new hires!
After you hire the right people for your business you can start working towards your vision. But in order to get there, you’re going to need to formulate a game-plan because without one, your team can easily become lost and frustrated- losing sight of what truly matters.
Your game-plan should take your business’ mission and vision and break it into manageable pieces for every person on your team. By doing this, it gives everyone a role to play which creates purpose and accountability.
Further, when your team is able to check off goals and meet checkpoints, you should reward them. This gives them a sense of accomplishment and can motivate them to achieve more.
It’s human nature for groups to form in the workplace. It only becomes a problem when people start feeling excluded and disengaged from the team as this leads to a negative and unpleasant work environment for everyone.
As a leader, you need to find a way to ensure that your entire staff team feels included and excited to be a part of your working environment. One way to do this is to create opportunities for them to socialize with each other!
Not only does this melt the ice and promote camaraderie, it allows them to develop a deeper understanding of the people they work with so that they can work better together.
Plus, research shows that “socialization increases motivation among employees”. This shouldn’t be a surprise- the more fun and comfortable a work environment is, the more your team will want to be there.
The way you choose to build your staff team can be what make or breaks your business, so it is important to take the time to do it right. Remember, nobody is perfect and it may take some trial and error to learn what your team should look like. But if you keep the above three tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to forming a strong team that can successfully achieve all your goals.
Want further guidance on how to build the perfect team for your business? Our expert-made Alignment program can help with that! This unique program gets every single aspect of your business, including your staff team, fully aligned in order to maximize your success.
Contact us today to learn more!
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